Product Description:
Relieves acne. FDA-Regulated. Relieves acne discomfort and the common symptoms of acne including:
- face and body breakouts
- redness itching and inflammation
Recommended for: those who would like a natural and effective option for acne symptoms and discomfort.
Acne Tonic, 1.38 Ounce by Sprayology
The therapeutic benefits of the ingredients described below are from clinical evidence reported in the major homeopathic materia medicas accepted throughout the world.
Symptoms relieved by the following ingredients:
Face and body breakouts
- Anthracinum (Bacillus anthracis)
- Nat Sulphuratum (Sodium sulfide)
- Kali Brom (Potassium bromide)
- Antimon Crud
- Hepar (Liver extract)
- Radium Brom (Radium bromide)
- Sulphur Iod (Sulfer iodine)
- Sanguinaria (Blood-root)
- Thuja Occ (Tree of Life)
- Apis Mel (Honey Bee)
- Merc Corros (Corrosivus Sublimate)
- Carbo An (Animal charcoal)
Itching and inflammation
- Urtica Ur (Dwarf nettle)
- Kali Brom (Potassium bromide)
- Hydrocotyle (Indian penny wort)
- Pyrogenium (Pyrogen)
- Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)