Product Description:
FDA-Regulated. Rejuvenates the body and temporarily relieves the symptoms caused by aging or burn-out including:
- low energy or lack of vigor
- dry, wrinkled looking skin
- poor muscle/fat balance
- sleeplessness
Recommended for: adults looking to battle the aging process naturally.
Rejuvenation Plus, 1.38 Ounce by Sprayology
The therapeutic benefits of the ingredients described below are from clinical evidence reported in the major homeopathic materia medicas accepted throughout the world.
Symptoms relieved by the following ingredients:
Low energy or lack of vigor
- Aralia quinquefolia
- Arnica Montana (Leopard’s Bane)
- Pituitary
- Hepar
- Phosphoricum Ac (Phosphoric Acid)
- Carduus Marianus (St. Mary's Thistle)
Dry, wrinkled looking skin
- Pituitary
- Avena (oats)
Poor muscle/fat balance
- Baryta Carb
- Pituitary
- Arnica Montana